
Welcome to Indescript Eats, a food blog that grew from simply sharing food photos on instagram.

Who are you?
My name is Veronica and I'm just a girl from London who loves to eat, and then share photos of her food adventures.

What is Indescript?
A while ago, out of nowhere i started to use the word indescript to decribe things in conversations. I grew to like the word and started using it as an online psuedonym (alias). To me, the word means undescribed, nondescript. I'm not sure if the word actually exists in the dictionary.

What is your instagram account?
My username is indescript. Follow me for photos of food, some of the stuff i post on instagram may not make it onto this blog.

How can i contact you?
Enquiries can be sent to indescripteats [at] gmail.com

Is there anything that you don't eat?
Yes, i don't eat beef.

Why do you watermark your photos?
I know that my photos may not be the most amazing photos out there, but they are mine and i put effort into photgraphing the food i post up. So in the case that someone does take my photo(s) and post them elsewhere, it will hopefully lead others who see them back to my blog as sadly, not everyone is good at giving credit.

What camera do you use?
All my photos are taken mostly with my iPhone 4 or with my Sony Cybershot DSC-WX7 camera - its a simple camera but it does the job and has a setting just for shooting food. Photos are then 'edited' with an instagram filter.

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